Greetings to all of you that have taken the time to visit this blog!
I wanted to take a moment and talk a little about what this blog is or at least my current idea for it. My Zen teacher, Daiho Hilbert, suggested I create a place to begin publishing some of my writings. I have been writing on a number of different topics for a long time. Some Zen related. Some not. So this blog will serve as a collection point for my many ramblings and musings. Expect to see articles, stream of consciousness writings, poetry, haiku, and probably some other randomness from time to time.
Some of the writings that appear here will be the Dharma Talks that I give to my online meditation group. Other pieces will come from either current or past topics that have grabbed my attention tightly enough for me to devote some time to hammering out some words on a page.
In collecting pieces to post here, I stumbled across a long lost cache of work from all the way back in 2013. My intention is to not edit or modify these pieces, but instead to add to them with current commentary. In essence, Present Me will be commenting on the thoughts and ideas of Past Me. From a Zen perspective, these are two completely different people so it feels more interesting to have the current version comment on the previous.
As you read through these pieces, I hope you will find something that is of use or at least makes you think, laugh, cry, or have some sort of reaction.
If you would like to comment, please feel free.
If you would like to share something with others, please do so. All I ask is that you make sure to give credit where credit is due. I’d hate for someone to blame you for my craziness.
May this work enrich your life.
July 23, 2020
So awesome and I'm glad you are doing this! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.